Wales Watch: Rent Smart Wales training
Rent Smart Wales training
Do you need to complete training to apply for a Rent Smart Wales licence, or to keep up to date with changes like the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016? Rent Smart Wales offer training for licence applicants, as well as Continued Professional Development (CPD) on a variety of topics for anyone involved in the private rented sector. Training can be completed online, in a virtual classroom (webinar), or face to face in venues across Wales. Visit to select one of the many courses available in English and Welsh.
Hyfforddiant Rhentu Doeth Cymru
A oes angen i chi gwblhau hyfforddiant i wneud cais am drwydded Rhentu Doeth Cymru, neu gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am newidiadau fel Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016? Mae Rhentu Doeth Cymru yn cynnig hyfforddiant ar gyfer ymgeiswyr am drwydded, yn ogystal â Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP) ar amrywiaeth o bynciau i unrhyw un sy’n ymwneud â’r sector rhent preifat. Gellir cwblhau hyfforddiant ar-lein, mewn ystafell ddosbarth rithwir (gweminar), neu wyneb yn wyneb mewn lleoliadau ar draws Cymru. Ewch i i ddewis un o’r cyrsiau niferus sydd ar gael yn Gymraeg a Saesneg.
Additional Renting Homes resources that are intended to assist both landlords and tenants with the new legislation are available on the Welsh Government and Rent Smart Wales websites at the following links:
Renting Homes Act: The Way You Rent Has Changed – Rent Smart Wales
To access Welsh Government guidance relating to the Act
To obtain model written contracts
Frequently Asked Questions written by Welsh Government