Wales Watch: decarbonisation of the private rented sector
Wales Watch: decarbonisation of the private rented sector/Gwarchod Cymru: datgarboneiddio’r sector rhentu preifat
Welsh Translation/cyfieithiad Cymraeg
Both the UK and the devolved Welsh Governments are moving towards greener policies across all sectors and the private rented sector is no different. The current plans in place say that all homes should have an EPC rating of ‘C’ or higher by 2030/35. This target means that a lot of work, especially in Wales, is needed to decarbonise the private rented sector and improve energy efficiency and standards.
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) provides a property an energy efficiency rating between A and G (A being the highest) and tells the owner information on their home’s energy use as well as recommendations on how to improve its efficiency.
Currently, Wales has an average EPC of ‘D’ and will require the highest level of investment in the UK to bring the grade up to the Government’s target.
Data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities shows that over 46,000 dwellings have a EPC rating of ‘D’ or lower. All of these, under government plans, would need to be upgraded to an EPC rating of at least ‘C’ by 2030/35 – a target only 45 per cent of properties are currently meeting.
The total cost of meeting this grade in the private rented sector is estimated to be £846m.
Improving the energy efficiency of homes is an ongoing issue in Wales. In 2020, 20 per cent of people in the private rented sector in Wales were already living in fuel poverty – and this is expected to rise to 45 per cent in 2022 according to Welsh Government stats.
Welsh homes are far from modern, adding to the complications facing the private rented sector in the country. 32 per cent of homes in Wales were built before 1919 and only six per cent of houses were built in the last 35 years. The older a property is, the more work you’re likely going to have to do to bring it up to the required minimum standard and the more challenging eco-improvements could be.
How can I improve my property’s EPC rating?
A higher EPC rating could reduce energy bills, make your property warmer, increase its value all while reducing the impact from carbon footprint.
Three of the most important things to check are:
- Insulation – are the walls, floors and loft well insulated?
- Windows and doors – is there single, double or triple-glazing and can you feel any draughts?
- The heating system – how energy-efficient are the boiler and radiators?
Another possibility is investing in solar panels. Whilst cheaper to install than they used to be, this is a considerable outlay, costing around £6,000-£7,000 for the average home. However, with a south-facing roof, your energy bills could fall around 40-50 per cent which may justify the investment.
Essentially, the more efficiently you can generate heat to the property and the less chance there is of that heat escaping, the better your EPC rating will be.
Choosing eco fixtures and appliances can also help improve an EPC rating. Manufacturers have invested in making dishwashers, washing machines, fridges and freezers much more energy efficient – so upgrading your property’s white goods with eco-friendly models can bring down your energy usage.
Other examples include modern ‘low flush’ toilets, which can bring water usage down by as much as 50 per cent, eco-shower heads, which can reduce water usage by around 20 per cent, and LED lightbulbs, which both last longer and use less energy than standard fittings.
A full guide can be found how make your property more energy efficient can be found here.
Welsh Translation/cyfieithiad Cymraeg
Mae Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth ddatganoledig Cymru yn symud tuag at bolisïau gwyrddach ar draws pob sector ac nid yw’r sector rhentu preifat yn ddim gwahanol. Mae’r cynlluniau presennol sydd ar waith yn dweud y dylai fod gan bob cartref sgôr EPC o ‘C’ neu uwch erbyn 2030/35. Mae’r targed hwn yn golygu bod angen llawer o waith, yn arbennig yng Nghymru, i ddatgarboneiddio’r sector rhentu preifat a gwella effeithlonrwydd a safonau ynni.
Mae Tystysgrif Perfformiad Ynni (EPC) yn rhoi sgôr effeithlonrwydd ynni rhwng A ac G (A yw’r uchaf) i eiddo ac yn rhoi gwybodaeth i’r perchennog am ddefnydd ynni ei gartref yn ogystal ag argymhellion ar sut i wella ei effeithlonrwydd.
Ar hyn o bryd, mae gan Gymru EPC cyfartalog o ‘D’ a bydd angen y lefel uchaf o fuddsoddiad yn y DU i ddod â’r sgôr i fyny i darged y Llywodraeth.
Mae data gan yr Adran Ffyniant Bro, Tai a Chymunedau yn dangos bod gan dros 46,000 o anheddau sgôr EPC o ‘D’ neu is. Byddai angen uwchraddio pob un o’r rhain, o dan gynlluniau’r llywodraeth, i sgôr EPC o ‘C’ o leiaf erbyn 2030/35 – targed y mae dim ond 45% o eiddo’n ei gyrraedd ar hyn o bryd.
Amcangyfrifir mai cyfanswm cost cyrraedd y sgôr hon yn y sector rhentu preifat yw £846m.
Mae gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni cartrefi yn broblem barhaus yng Nghymru. Yn 2020, roedd 20% o bobl yn y sector rhentu preifat yng Nghymru eisoes yn byw mewn tlodi tanwydd – a disgwylir i hyn godi i 45% yn 2022 yn ôl ystadegau Llywodraeth Cymru.
Mae cartrefi Cymru ymhell o fod yn fodern, gan ychwanegu at y cymhlethdodau sy’n wynebu’r sector rhentu preifat yn y wlad. Adeiladwyd 32% o gartrefi Cymru cyn 1919 a dim ond 6% o dai a gafodd eu hadeiladu yn y 35 mlynedd diwethaf. Po hynaf yw eiddo, y mwyaf o waith y mae’n debygol y bydd rhaid i chi ei wneud i’w godi i’r safon isaf ofynnol a’r mwyaf heriol y gallai’r eco-welliannau fod.
Sut allaf wella sgôr EPC fy eiddo?
Gallai sgôr EPC uwch leihau biliau ynni, gwneud eich eiddo yn gynhesach, cynyddu ei werth, i gyd tra’n lleihau’r effaith a achosir gan ôl troed carbon.
Tri o’r pethau pwysicaf i’w gwirio yw:
- Inswleiddio – a yw’r waliau, lloriau a llofft wedi’u hinswleiddio’n dda?
- Ffenestri a drysau – a oes gwydr sengl, dwbl neu driphlyg ac a allwch chi deimlo unrhyw ddrafftiau?
- Y system wresogi – pa mor ynni-effeithlon yw’r boeler a’r rheiddiaduron?
Posibilrwydd arall yw buddsoddi mewn paneli solar. Er eu bod yn rhatach i’w osod nag yr oeddent yn arfer bod, mae hon yn gost sylweddol, sy’n costio oddeutu £6,000-£7,000 ar gyfer y cartref cyffredin. Fodd bynnag, gyda tho sy’n wynebu’r de, gallai eich biliau ynni ostwng oddeutu 40-50 y cant a allai gyfiawnhau’r buddsoddiad.
Yn y bôn, po fwyaf effeithlon y gallwch gynhyrchu gwres i’r eiddo a pho leiaf o siawns y bydd y gwres hwnnw’n dianc, y gorau fydd eich sgôr EPC.
Gall dewis gosodiadau ac offer eco hefyd helpu i wella sgôr EPC. Mae gweithgynhyrchwyr wedi buddsoddi mewn gwneud peiriannau golchi llestri, peiriannau golchi, oergelloedd a rhewgelloedd yn llawer mwy ynni-effeithlon – felly gall uwchraddio nwyddau gwyn eich eiddo gyda modelau ecogyfeillgar leihau eich defnydd o ynni.
Mae enghreifftiau eraill yn cynnwys toiledau ‘fflysio isel’ modern, sy’n gallu lleihau’r defnydd o ddŵr cymaint â 50 y cant, pennau cawod eco, sy’n gallu lleihau’r defnydd o ddŵr oddeutu 20 y cant, a bylbiau golau LED, sy’n parhau’n hirach ac yn defnyddio llai o ynni na ffitiadau safonol.
Gellir dod o hyd i ganllaw llawn ar sut i wneud eich eiddo yn fwy ynni-effeithlon yma.