An adjudicators glossary of dispute terms
Got a deposit dispute on your hands?
Don't let legal terms confuse you. Our adjudicator's glossary breaks down the jargon.
- Balance of Probabilities: The likelihood that an event occurred based on evidence
- Burden of Proof: The responsibility to prove a fact. Landlords need to prove claims and tenants for rent payments
- Fair Wear and Tear: Normal depreciation due to everyday use, deducted from claims
- Mitigating Losses: Agent actions that worsen the situation, affecting potential damages
- Proportionate: Penalty relative to the breach’s severity, not exceeding its impact
- Reasonable: Fair and fitting deduction under standard circumstances
- Unfair Contract Terms: Regulations protecting tenants from unfair clauses
- Weighting of Evidence: Assessing the credibility of tenant and agent proofs
Confused about these terms? Dive into our adjudicator’s guide