Accessibility and reasonable adjustment policy


We at mydeposits are committed to making our services as widely accessible as possible for our customers.

We recognise that some customers we come into contact with will need additional support.

We have a duty and responsibility to make all reasonable adjustments to help people access our services, where their personal circumstances may put them at a higher risk of disadvantage. It’s important to us that:

  • All our customers can access our services without being disadvantaged
  • Any risks of harm to welfare are minimised and that customers are treated fairly
  • We commit to creating a culture of fair treatment and providing a high standard of customer service, by considering the best way to communicate whatever needs to be delivered, in a clear and concise way

We have processes in place to identify, consider, and where appropriate put in place a range of adjustments for customers who may need them. This process is particularly important as each individual’s circumstances are different and allows us to consider the individual’s needs.

We will always consider additional adjustments which our customers may need, for them to have full access to our service.

How do we support our customers?

Our people

We make sure all relevant employees receive induction and refresher training in how to identify and respond appropriately to a vulnerable customer. In addition, we have a ‘champion’ in the team who is available to help vulnerable customers use our services.


We recognise that we may need to consider how best to communicate with a customer. For some people, a disability can mean communication needs are different. We also recognise that a language barrier, particularly when combined with other factors such as age or social isolation, may lead to individuals requiring a reasonable adjustment. This means we can offer plain, simple and easy to read documents in:

  • Large print
  • Digital or paper copies
  • A selection of languages

Taking you through our processes

Ways to contact us

  • You can access most processes through our website
  • You can also request documents be emailed or posted to you
  • Our fully trained call handlers can help you over the phone

We can support you through any of our processes by:

  • Communicating with someone on your behalf (such as a care worker or family member) with your permission
  • Agreeing how you would prefer to communicate, where calls or emails aren’t appropriate
  • Helping, where we can, with extensions on the return of documents or during a deposit dispute
  • Recording all your communication and service needs accurately in line with the GDPR

Physical access

If there is a specific need for anyone to attend our office, then it is accessible for wheelchair users.

Accessing our website

We are always looking at ways to improve our website by adding new features and maintaining its security. Please refer to our FAQs further down the page to see the options for accessing our services.


All our documents are available in a PDF format. In order to view our documents, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Most computer devices will have this software already installed. If you don’t have the software and would like to download the latest version for free, you can do so from the Adobe website.

Additional support

If you require support in a way which hasn’t been listed in this document, please contact us. We will consider all requests and we will make reasonable adjustments. Please note that we cannot guarantee all requested adjustments can, or will, be made.

For any more information, or if you would like to access one of our services, please contact us using the information below:


Phone: 0333 321 9401

Managing expectations

While we will make every effort to be flexible and considerate when dealing with anyone who want to use our services, there are certain things which we are unable to do. If this is the case, you will be provided with the reasons for our decision.

What if we can’t help?

If we are unable to help, you may find advice from;

We would welcome your feedback on how accessible you found our website and services. If you would like to leave feedback, please contact us at

Accessibility FAQs

Q1.      Which web browser is the most compatible with the mydeposits website?

Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome.

We are always improving our website and adding new features to maintain security standards, so it is important to keep your browser up to date so that everything runs smoothly. We support the following browser versions.

Google Chrome – 26 and above
Internet Explorer – 10 and above
Mozilla Firefox – 34 above
Microsoft Edge – 12 and above
Apple Safari – 7 and above
Opera Browser – 20 and above

For instructions on how to check which browser version you are using please click here.

Here are some links to upgrade to the latest browsers: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxInternet ExplorerMicrosoft Edge and Opera Browser.

Q2.      Does Javascript need to be enabled in order to use mydeposits website?

Yes the mydeposits website does require JavaScript to be enabled.

Q3.      How do I enable Javascript?

  • Internet Explorer:
  1. Select ‘Tools’ from the top menu
  2. From the drop down menu, choose ‘Internet Options’
  3. On the pop-up window that appears, click on the ‘Security’ tab
  4. Click on ‘Custom Level’
  5. Scroll down until you see section labelled ‘Scripting’
  6. Under ‘Active Scripting’, select ‘Enable’ and click OK
  • Firefox:
  1. Select ‘Tools’ from the top menu
  2. From the drop down menu, choose ‘Options’
  3. From the pop-up window that appears, choose ‘Content’ from the top navigation
  4. Select the checkbox labelled ‘Enable JavaScript’ and click OK
  • Safari:
  1. Select ‘Safari’ from the top menu
  2. From the drop down menu, choose ‘Preferences’
  3. From the pop-up window that appears, choose ‘Security’
  4. Select the checkbox labelled ‘Enable JavaScript

Q4.      What format do the mydeposits documents come in?

All mydeposits documents are in a PDF format.
If you do not currently have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed it is available from:

Q5.      How do I print a certificate using an Apple Mac?

  1. Go to print – should open a print box
  2. Go to the ‘Advanced’ button in the bottom left corner of the newly opened box
  3. Tick the box that says ‘Print As Image’
  4. This should now print successfully

Download our accessibility statement now.